- Plan the diet according to the digestive capacity of an individual
- Use appropriate protective clothing or measures to avoid the exposure to dust, fumes etc
- Deep breathing for 15 to 20minutes for day, especially pranayama (Yogic Breathing) will be highly beneficial.
- Early and light dinner (warm) will highly advisable.
- Avoid the sudden change of weathers, do not expose to hot weather immediately after staying in an Air-conditioned room etc
- Use warm protective clothing in winter.
- Take warm and freshly cooked food
Advised to follow
- Over eating without knowing the digestive capacity
- Taking dairy or milk at bed time
- Guru (Heavy Food) at dinner time
- Consuming regular fried, chilli, too cold and sour preparations
- Fasting for longer periods
- Exposure to heat, dust and fumes for longer periods
- Guru (Heavy) and abhishyandhi ( Kapha inducing ) food substances, example Yoghurt etc
- Constant contact with the animal hair, dust mites, and smoke
- Avoid excess eating of bread, pizza, cheese, ghee, milk and other phlegm inducing food items.
For further information and treatment for Asthama ( Tamaka Swasa), please contact your health practitioner or qualified Ayurveda physicians at Jeeva Health Pty ltd on 03 99399474