Asthma is a syndrome characterised by recurrent and chronic attacks of breathlessness or bronchial spasm. It is a condition of airways; people who suffer from Asthma may have sensitive airways in the upper respiratory tract (URT) or lungs which will trigger to cause asthma attack. It will make very difficult to breathe.
Important three factors which really cause the airways to become narrow or sensitive are
- Inflammation of the inner lining of the airways or URT, the inner layer becomes red and swollen.
- Thick mucus plug or secretions, which will block the airways.
- Muscular spasm of the airways, which becomes tight and cause bronchial spasm or constriction.
In Australia, one in ten people are suffering from Asthma, totally that is approximately 2 million people are suffering from Asthma in Australia. It affects all age groups. Specifically some may get during their childhood and other get when they are older.

According to Ayurveda, the pathogenesis would be, respiratory system is mainly affected but there is also disturbance in gastro intestinal tract with the vitiation of vata and Kapaha.
During which most of the people suffer from recurrent or chronic attacks of bronchial spasm or breathlessness. It is usually variable in the severity and the duration. Often it will be associated with choking of nose, followed by cough. Moreover, it will be very uncomfortable in lying down position, only they feel comfortable in sitting position. In some clients the exhalation is very noisy and the sputum is very sticky.
In proper asthmatic attack according to Ayurvedic Medicine, the common symptoms are sneezing, flatulence, drowsiness, darkness in the front of eyes and irritability will be high. The symptoms mostly aggravate during the night or evening time. In severe attack, it is often associated with anxiety, cyanosis, perspiration and cold extremities.
Ayurvedic Treatment
In Ayurveda most of the treatment for any kind of disease is not just based on the symptoms but it also based on the constitution and other diet and lifestyle factors. The treatments in Asthma differ from patient during the attack and in between the attack.
Once the constitution is diagnosed Ayurvedically, one should select the need for palliative (samana) or purificatory (Sodhana Chikista) treatment options.
Ayurvedic treatments such as Virechana karma (Panchakarma) or vardhma pippali rasayana chhikista will be highly useful to treat the condition effectively without any side effects or complications along with diet and lifestyle recommendations.
Ayurveda doctors say that since Ayurveda looks at each case on its own merit, ayurvedic treatment to cure imbalances of doshas is given accordingly. Unlike any other treatment, ayurvedic treatmentdoesn’t believe in one size fits all. All the information provided in this article is only for informative purpose only, for professional help please contact your health care practitioners are Dr Kumar at Jeeva health Pty Ltd.
You may ask your personal query to Dr Kumar via Email or by phone 0402 282 745/ 03 9939 9474 or 02 6156 0618 regarding any of your health problems. You will be offered authentic Ayurvedic information and an opinion, as to what best can be done pertaining to your ailment.