The first line of treatment is (Nidana Parimarjanam), removal of the root cause. In the treatment of Endometriosis the root causes are Vata aggravating factors, one should identify the factors that are causing Vata aggravation and eliminate them accordingly. If not, at least able to manage them effectively to be able to free from all the symptoms.
Secondly, reduce the stress levels by doing medication and gentle yoga. Techniques like Tai Chi, QiGong and other techniques of meditation are highly beneficial in managing stress levels. The best way of reducing the mental stress or physical stress is by taking rest.
Finally, proper elimination procedures such as Pancha karma procedures include Vrechana Karma and vasti Karma need to undertaken to evacuate AMA and dosha aggravation.
Virechana karma means medicated purgation for the elimination of AMA and pitta accumulated in the middle part of the body. Vasti means medicated enema to pacify the Vata in the lower part of the body.
All the above procedures are strictly accompanied by individualised diet and lifestyle recommendations. Each procedure starts with internal Oleation and external Oleation to move the toxins from the distal branches to core part of the body for the proper elimination.
Appropriate rejuvenation follows the main procedure according to the condition and constitution of an individual will be selected by the qualified Ayurvedic Practitioner. Which will ensure the balanced digestive fire, with balanced vata to move in the downwards direction.
As already mentioned earlier it is better to avoid the physical activity during the menstruation, taking regular Ayurvedic Abhyangam (Ayurvedic Massage) with suitable oils, regularity in the day to day regimen and taking Specific Ayurvedic formulations to reduce the pain, inflammation, reduce the scar tissue formation and ensure proper menstruation
If you have any doubts about your health or for complete health assessment please contact Dr Kumar on 03 99399474 / 0402282745 or