Psoriasis is a non-contagious skin disorder that affects 2.6% of Australians (Cimmino, 2007) and 3% of world’s population. Psoriasis in Ayurvedic Medicine is mentioned under Kusta, in particular it is related to the most symptoms mentioned under “Kitibha Kushta”. The disease causative factors, Patho physiology, symptoms and treatments for Psoriasis are well explained in Ayurvedic Medicine.
Psoriasis and Ayurvedic Treatment
Ayurvedic approach and Symptoms
According to Ayurvedic Medicine, skin (Twak) is an essential sense organ. Among basic energy principles such tridhosha (Vata, Pitta and Kapha), mainly Vata and Brajakapitta resides in the skin. The patho physiology according to Ayurveda includes the vitiation of above mentioned basic energies are the responsible factors this kind of symptoms, where the treatment follows to balance the unbalanced or vitiated basic primordial energies such as Vata and Brajaka Pitta. According to the conventional system, the excess production of new skin cells combined with old cells on the skin surface results in raised, itchy, scaly, inflamed lesions, which are also called as plaques or psoriatic plaques. (The psoriasis Australia).
Conventional approach and Symptoms
Newly-produced skin cells normally mature over a period of three to four weeks while travelling to the skin’s surface to be shed (The Psoriasis Association). However, in skin affected by psoriasis, this process is accelerated and new skin cells reach the surface within 2–6 days (The Psoriasis Association). The rapidly-matured new cells mix with the old cells on the skin surface resulting in raised, inflamed, scaly, red skin lesions, known as plaques, which can often be inflamed, itchy and painful and can crack and bleed. Finally, cause pain, discomfort and sever itching. In severe cases it can even crack and bleed. It commonly confined to some body parts such as scalp, knee, elbows, lower back, hands and feet. Sometimes it can even spread to other parts such as genital areas, finger nails and under the toes.
Psoriasis affects both sexes and all races. It can occur at any age, although it most frequently starts in young adults. Once a person develops psoriasis, it usually continues throughout their life, although it may get better or worse and even disappear for periods of time (Australasian College of Dermatologists).
Causative factors: Mentioned in Ayurvedic Medicine
The causative factors that are mentioned in Ayurveda are, consuming incompatible foods; incompatibility exists in the combination of the ingredients as well as seasonal incompatibility, food versus season. Regular consumption “Guru” food, food that take longer time to digest, eating non – vegetarian and spicy food will trigger the doshas and manifest as “Kitibha”. In Ayurveda along with above reasons it is also mentioned about the congenital reasons and sinful actions during part life or present life are also the possible causative factors.
Ayurvedic Treatment
Kitibha (Psoriasis) is a chronic disease, should be treated immediately. Classical texts of Ayurvedic medicine recommends “shodhana“ treatment for the elimination of vitiated dhoshas, followed by “ samana” treatment with medicines, therapies such as Shirodhara and Ayurvedic Supplements.
The good news is that knowing your diagnosis and getting proper treatment should help you and your healthcare professional or Ayurvedic Doctor to manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life.
There are simple changes that you can make to your lifestyle that can help to improve your symptoms and general health.
- Try to eat a balanced diet. A good diet is essential for everyone.
- Avoid excessive alcohol consumption and smoking
- Keep as active as you can and maintain a normal weight.
- Reduce your stress levels. Avoiding stress is difficult for anyone living in the 21st century and psoriasis itself can heighten stress, creating a vicious cycle of flare-ups and increased tension (The Psoriasis Association, Psoriasis: A Patient’s Guide). Try relaxation techniques, such as Tai Chi, yoga, dhyana and meditation.
You may ask your personal query to Dr Kumar via Email at or by phone 0402 282 745/ 03 9440 5091 or 02 6156 0618 regarding any of your health problems. You will be offered authentic Ayurvedic information and an opinion, as to what best can be done pertaining to your ailment. The information provide in the above article is for informative purpose only. It is always important to see k a professional advice.