Ayurvedic Massage (Abhyagam)

The benefits explained as per Charaka Samhita Sutrasthanam V. 78-93 are , by regular Abhyangam the body becomes firm, smooth, free from exhaustion due to day to day stress and strain, reduces vata.

The one who does Abhyangam on regular basis will achieve a strong body which will be least prone for injuries due to accidents and endowed with pleasant touch, charming and least affected with age related problems.

Sustruta claims that regular Abhynagm, will incur glossy softness to the body parts and skin, guards against the Aggravation of Vata and Kapha ( Air and Fluid Humor), improves colour, lustre, tone and strength. Sustrutha Sutrasthanam XXIV. 15-20

Abhynagam should be done on daily basis by individual and once week with qualified Ayurvedic doctor, which will promote nourishment to the body, long life, good sleep and good skin. Vagbhata Sutrasthanam II 8-9.

Abhyangam Contraindications

  • Abhyangam should not be done during
  • Indigestion Or Ama
  • Acute Fevers
  • Should not be done after Vomiting, Purgation or decoction enema
  • In Kapha aggravating conditions
  • In diseases like Ascitis, diarrohea etc

Abhyangam Procedure

Ayurvedic practitioner should select the suitable oil according to the body type or based on the condition of the patient or client and gently start from applying on the head and feet initially.

Then start with 7 step procedure:

  • Sitting position: by keeping both the legs extended and client will receive the massage for head, shoulder, hands and legs.
  • Supine Position: Lying on the back side of the body: Client will receive the massage on the face, chest, abdomen and groin.
  • Left lateral position: Client will receive the massage on right hand, right leg, back and right ear.
  • Prone: Client will receive the massage for neck, back, spine, buttocks, thighs and legs.Right lateral: Client will receive the massage for left hand, left leg, left ear etc
  • Supine position: In this posture client will again get massage on the face, chest, abdomen and legs
  • Sitting position: In this position client will receive the massage on head, shoulders, neck and middle back.
  • Each position for 5 min for total takes 45 to 60 minutes

Finally, according to Susrutha the definition of health is to maintain the balance the three doshas, Agni, tissues, and proper elimination in coordination with fullness of bliss in mind, body and senses. (Su XV 38)

It can be achieved by doing regular Ayurvedic massage at Jeeva Health Melbourne Clinic.