Thyroid Dysfunction - Ayurvedic Help

Globally, thyroid issues are the most common endocrine dysfunctions. Most of the patients that are suffering from thyroid disorders are end up having either hypo or hyper function of the gland.

According to the report by WHO in 1999, 1 to 2% of the population is known to suffer from thyroid disorders, about 1.5 billion people in more than 110 countries are currently undertaking treatment for thyroid disorders.

WHO indicates around 200million people are suffering from thyroid goitre, although the most of them are small and subclinical.

Thyroid gland is very important and crucial gland for the day to day bodily functions; it is a vital organ of the endocrine system. It maintains the metabolic functions like respiration, heart rate, digestion, neuronal and reproduction.

Thyroid abnormalities are well explained in the classical texts of Ayurveda. It is denoted as “GALAGANDA”, which mainly explains as swelling around the neck with symptoms mostly related to hypothyroidism.

Thyroid gland in located in the neck area, on the top of trachea (wind pipe) and below larynx. It mainly synthesizes and secretes T3 and T4 (Triiodothyronine and Thyroxin). Predominantly both the hormones are iodine containing hormones, so we need to consume sufficient amount of Iodine to help to maintain the proper balance of the thyroid metabolism.


The positive feedback mechanism by pituitary gland hormone (TSH) results in the enlargement of gland or goitre or the inadequate production of thyroid hormones is called as Hypothyroidism also denotes as goitre.
ayurvedic medicine,

In Ayurveda this was well recognised as “GALAGANDA” which could be lead to impaired mental (MANDAH BHUDDHI) and physical functions.

Hyperthyroidism is more serious condition, according to Ayurveda which is due to aggravated VATA & PITTA. This usually results in the excess production of thyroid hormones (Increases TSH receptor –Stimulating antibodies), which in turn cause enhanced metabolism and excess energy wastage. Thyrotoxicosis, exopthalamic goitre or Graves disease and cancer of thyroid gland and adenoma all comes under this category.

Ayurvedic Treatments

Ayurveda emphasizes on the prevention in early stage is so vital to avoid the further complications in the disease prognosis. Seasonal Panchakarma and healthy diet and lifestyle are indicated to keep doshic imbalances at bay. Some herbs like kanchanara, aswagandha, garcinia, ginger, tulasi, and shankapushpi are mentioned in Ayurveda and western herbal medicine to balance the thyroid function.

Dr Kumar CRS is an qualified Ayurvedic doctor from India and achieved AYURMEDHA award from Dabur Ayurveda Pharmacy for the outstanding performance at the University level, University also rewards with Gold Medal. He also completed in Masters in Public health and Health Promotion in Australia. He is a principle Ayurvedic Practitioner and Director of Jeeva health pty Ltd based in Melbourne and Canberra.

The information provided in the above article for education purpose only, if symptoms persists please do not hesitate to contact our clinics at 03 99399474 or email us at or contact your local health practitioner for help.