Ayurveda, which happens to be the most cultured and precise process in health care, was introduced by some prominent people about 5000 years ago in India. Over the many decades, it continued to be the sole medical option. But now in modern times, it is being largely confronted by Allopathy, which is a 300 year old branch of medical science. Let us understand what advantages Ayurvedic treatment has over the allopathic treatment.
Ayurveda objects at discovering the origin of a disease and then eliminating it fully from the patient whereas Allopathy believes in giving patient an immediate relief by abolishing the organisms that caused the disease but it is not certain that the disease is forever cured.
The philosophy of Ayurvedic treatment is to avert human beings from needless sufferings and to provide them a stretched and fit life. It consists of natural herbs and is grounded on straight sense awareness, logical implication and hearing from comprehended souls and saints.