What Is Prostrate: Facts About “BPH”

The prostate is a walnut sized gland that is present in men just below the bladder and top of the penis. This gland surrounds the urethra (the tube through which urine flows from the bladder and out through the penis.  Enlargement of this gland is called as Benign prostatic hyperplasia or (Hypertophy), which is common in elderly men.

It is a very astonishing fact to know that the condition BPH has been explained in Ayurvedic Medicine long back.  Acharya  Susrutha explained in detail about the anatomical position of  the prostate gland, symptoms of BPH and its remedies.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is a common ailment affecting one third of men over fifty, half of all men over sixty and ninety percent of all men over the age of eighty five. As the contemporary medical system has no significant treatment for this condition, moreover, the incidence of BPH is increasing and so is awareness of the value of CAM (complementary and alternative medical systems such as Ayurveda, naturopathy and yoga etc) disciplines in its management is equally increasing.

According to Ayurveda this condition is consider as “Gulma”. The enlargement of prostate gland will cause pressure symptoms on the urinary tract, which will we be consider as obstruction to “mutrvah srotas” (Channels which is carrying urine) and leading to significant symptoms related to urinary tract.

Ayurvedic Types: Signs & Symptoms

Although BPH can occur in men of all prakruti (Constitution: Vata, Pitta and Kapha) types, Kapha individuals have a special tendency to develop benign swellings. Perhaps this is why the number of men over fifty with BPH is exactly one third of the number of men in that age group, potentially corresponding to the kapha segment of that population. A kapha provoked man over fifty is likely to complain of abdominal obesity, hypertension, sluggishness, low grade depression, nocturnal urination and low libido. Usually, medical tests may also show elevated blood sugar, raised cholesterol and hypothyroid as well as an enlarged prostate.

Ultimately, BPH must be seen in the context of generalized kapha syndrome. Symptoms that specifically indicate enlargement of the prostate include nocturnal urination, sensation of incomplete emptying, frequency of urination, slow or interrupted stream, dribbling, and straining to pass urine. Although the benign swelling is a predominantly kapha condition, there is a secondary pitta effect of inflammation and irritation of the bladder, giving rise to symptoms such as urgency of urination. Due to incomplete emptying of the bladder, additional symptoms of bladder infection may arise, including burning sensations and a greater increase in frequency. People with vata predominance will mainly shows symptoms mainly predominant in Vata such as, intermittent urination, often associated with pain, frothy urine and foul smelling urination.

Ayurvedic Managment

Ayurvedic management of BPH includes herbal therapies as well as dietary changes, yoga and specific prostate care practices. All men over fifty can benefit from the yoga and prostate care practices on a preventative basis. Supportive herbs can also be used on a preventative basis

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