At Jeeva Health Ayurveda Clinic in Melbourne, we believe in the concept of keeping healthy is highly important than treating disease, which is also a prime goal of Ayurvedic Medicine.
In the constipation, the affected channels include large intestine or “Purishvaha srotas”. Predominant Vata dosha (Apana vata vikaram) in the large intestine causes the disruption of the regular function of the muscular layer of the intestine and cause constipation “Malabhdhata”.
The main cause of constipation involves physical and mental factors. Physical factors mainly constitutes dietary. Eating food, which is GURU (difficult to digest), example red meat, cheese etc. eating fast foods or junk food, irregular eating habits, eating foods with less fibre or less roughage, excess intake of coffee or tea, sleeping late at night. All these physical level factors aggravate VATA in the large intestine and cause constipation. Moreover, it is quite often, we see mental factors such as chronic depression, insomnia, stress, grief and fear are mainly responsible for the disruption of day to day digestive process and leads to constipation.