Greeva Basti
Greeva Basti is a hot oil therapy that is used in the treatment of neck pain and related ailments of the neck. Greeva refers to the neck, and Basti means ‘to hold or contain’ something inside. It is a procedure that involves oleation and sudation over the posterior neck region. It addresses problems related to the spine, muscles and skeletal tissues of the neck and shoulders.
- Cervical spondylosis; Ankylosing spondylitis; Cervical disc lesions; Disk prolapse
- Whiplash
- Sprains and strains
- Chronic pain in the neck
- Tension headaches and migraines
- Torticollis (Wry neck)
- Vertigo
- Tingling, numbness of the hands
- Compression fractures
- Frozen shoulder
- Fibromyalgia
- Polymyalgia Rheumatica
- Spinal stenosis
- Paget’s disease of the bone
- The patient lies face down on the massage table
- A leak-proof dough-ring (made of black gram or whole wheat flour) is securely placed over the cervical region of the neck, including 2-3 thoracic vertebrae
- Heated and specially medicated oil is slowly poured into the dough-ring. This oil is recycled throughout the procedure in order to maintain a warm temperature for the duration of the treatment – usually between 15-30mins.
- Calms, rejuvenates, and nourishes the nerves, bones and muscle tissue around the neck and shoulders
- Relieves pain and discomfort
- Stimulates nerves and blood supply, which improves circulation around the neck and shoulder region
- Improves flexibility and enhances ease of movement
*Pre and post-treatment Procedures:
Abhyanga and pinda sweda is performed from the neck to the waist before Greeva Basti is applied. Following Greeva Basti, fomentation is used (herbal steam applied over the neck region to help the oil further absorb into the tissues). It is also recommended to administer Nasya (medicated nasal oil) in combination with Greeva Basti.
Oils and Ghee recommended for Greeva Basti:
- Ksheerabala tailam
- Mahamasha tailam – popular for many neurological disorders
- Kottamchukkadi tailam
- Balashwaghandhadi tailam
- Ashwaghandabalalakshadi tailam
- Sahacharadi tailam
- Murivenna
- Pinda tailam
- Tiktaka ghritam
- Guggulutiktaka ghritam
- Tila tailam
- Etc.