70 years old female patient came with c/o pain and stiffness at knuckles and finger joints. It started 2years back with morning stiffness in MCP joints of right hand and then also in left hand MCP and Phalangeal joints. Gradually also felt pain in calf muscles and back that can’t bend. On examination- Legs now feel sore and stiff if standing for a long time. Appetite is not good. Also c/o dry eyes and mouth in the morning. Has a long standing job profile. C/o of heaviness and stiffness in the body especially early morning.
- Blood test shows ANA, RH and ENA positive
- Tongue- Coated
- Joints- tender and swollen
- Bowel- hard
- Doshas- Vyana vata, shleshaka kapha, apana vata
- Dhatu- Rasa, asthi, mamsa
- Srotas- Annavaha, asthivaha
- Organ- Joints
- Amajanya roga
Samprapti– Patient being indulged in incompatible food and lack of physical activity and digestive fire already poor resulted in ama formation. The patient has job where she needs to stand for a lontime resulted in vata vitiation as well. Both vata and ama increased at the same time. Then vyana vata took ama throughout the body and it settled in the weakest part which is joint in this case. Resulting in amavata.
Diet and lifestyle- Patient is a case of Rheumatoid arthritis. She needs tips for RA diet and lifestyle as well as some recipes to be followed for detox program.