- Prakruthi: VP
- Vikruthi: VP
- Agni: Currently stable
Sub dosha Vata (Prana, Udana, Samana, Vyana, Apana):
- Vyana Vyana Vayu(bipolar/despression), Prana Vayu (bipolar/depression), Samana Vaya (bipolar/depression)
Sub dosha Pitta (Sadhaka, Alochaka, Pachaka, Bhrajaka, Ranjaka):
- Sadhaka pitta (depression)
Sub dosha Kapha (Tarpaka, Bodhaka, Kledaka, Sleshaka, Avalambaka):
Dhatus (Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Meda, Asti, Majja, Shukra):
Rasa dhatu dushti (low energy), Rasa Kshaya (malaise, fatigue) Rakta Kshaya (lack of lustre, lack of enthusiasm), mamsa vruddhi (low energy/fatigue), Majja diushti (depression),
Ojas kshaya, (lack of zeal), (chronic vata disorders), Prana visramsa (prana moving in wrong direction, fatigue, negative thoughts)
Whilst client has not reported all of these symptoms today (from 1 months ago), her condition will be up and down quite often – and the tendency for these will still be present. The medication will also be masking some of these symptoms that are present with her condition.
Srotas (Annavaha {Digestive}, Pranavaha {Respiratory}, Udakavaha {Fluid}, Rasavaha, Raktavaha, Mamsavaha, Asthivaha, Majjavaha, Sukravaha, Swedavaha, Purishsvaha, Mutravaha, Manovavaha, Arthavavaha {Menstruation}, Stanyavaha {Lactation}:
- Manovaha sroto dushti (negative thinking)
Prana, Tejas, Ojas:
- Ojas kshaya, (lack of zeal), chronic vata disorders), Prana visramsa (prana moving on wrong direction, fatigue, negative thoughts)
Pathway (Internal, external, middle): Middle
Kriyakala (Accumulation) (Sanchaya); Aggravation (Prakopa); Overflow (Prasara); Relocation (Sthyana Samsraya); Manifestation (Vyakti); Complications (Bheda): Manifestation
Dosha gati (Direction): Urdhava vata, tiryag vata
Purvaroopa (Prodormal Signs and symptoms): Negative thinking, tendency for flat mood, tendency for low energy
Roopa (Disease Manifest Signs and symptoms): Hypomania/bipolar disorder