Client Presentation: 12-year old girl present for follow up consultation for severe grass allergy, fruit allergy presenting as a rash and tingling in and around the mouth, recurrent hay fever, and mild eczema around the mouth and a constant cough. Since her last consultation the client no longer has a rash or tingling in and around the mouth, and her mother is now slowly introducing small quantities of certain organic foods back into her diet.

History Of Presenting Complaints

  • Severe grass allergies
  • Hay fever
  • Mild eczema
  • Common respiratory infections
  • Colds and viruses

Past Medical History

  • Seasonal asthma
  • Recurrent steroids – oral and external
  • Eats non-vegetatian food mostly at home.
  • Tonsilitis – used Ayurvedic septillion immunity herbs to clear this.

Surgical History

  • None


  • Septillin – Ayurvedic immune booster
  • Bristol
  • ViitC Nature’s own gummy
  • Vit D3 drops Ostelin kids liquid
  • Inner health probiotic powder
  • Haridra khadam 1 tsp — 1tsp
  • Pippalie and khadira 10ml — 10ml with warm water.

Family History

  • Brother with similar issues. Family as well.

Social History

  • N/A
Case-Study 6-Recurrent-Allergies -An-Ayurvedic-Approach

Physical Examination

Nadi Pariksha (Pulse Examination)

  • Not assessed video consultation with mother

Mutra Pariksha (Examination of Urine)

  • Normal

Mala Pariksha (Stool Examination)

  • No constipation

Jihwa Pariksha (Tongue Examination)

  • Not assessed video consultation with mother

Shabda Pariksha (Voice Examination)

  • Not assessed video consultation with mother

Sparsha Pariksha (Touch Examination)

  • Not assessed video consultation with mother

Drik Pariksha (Eye Examination)

  • Not assessed video consultation

Akrti Pariksha (Physical Appearance Examination)

  • Not assessed video consultation

Akruti (volume and tension of pulse)

  • Not assessed video consultation with mother



Vikruthi:VPK (dominant Vata)

Agni:Manda agni (allergies).

Sub dosha Vata (Prana, Udana, Samana, Vyana, Apana):

  • Vyana vayu (toxic build up skin)
  • Prana vayu (respiratory disorders)

Sub dosha Pitta (Sadhaka, Alochaka, Pachaka, Bhrajaka, Ranjaka):

  • Bhrajaka pitta (skin rashes)

Sub dosha Kapha (Tarpaka, Bodhaka, Kledaka, Sleshaka, Avalambaka):

  • Bodhaka kapha(sinus disorders)
  • Tarpaka kapha (upper respiratory cough)

Dhatus (Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Meda, Asti, Majja, Shukra):

  • Rasa dhatu dushti (previous tonsillitis, cough)
  • Rasa vruddhi (repeated colds, cough or sinus congestion)
  • Rakta dhatu vruddhi (rash, eczema)
  • Rakta dhati dushti (eczema)

Srotas (Annavaha {Digestive}, Pranavaha {Respiratory}, Udakavaha {Fluid}, Rasavaha, Raktavaha, Mamsavaha, Asthivaha, Majjavaha, Sukravaha, Swedavaha, Purishsvaha, Mutravaha, Manovavaha, Arthavavaha {Menstruation}, Stanyavaha {Lactation}):

  • Rakta vaha sroto dushti (eczema)
  • Mamsa vaha sroto dushti (allergies)

Prana, Tejas, Ojas:

  • Ojas Kshyaya (repeated allergy attacks)

Pathway (Internal, external, middle): Middle and external

Kriyakala (Accumulation (Sanchaya); Aggravation (Prakopa); Overflow (Prasara); Relocation (Sthyana Samsraya); Manifestation (Vyakti); Complications (Bheda)): Manifestation

Dosha gati (Direction): Urdhava pitta (tonsilitis)

  • Tiryag pitta (eczema)
  • Urdhva kapha (sinus congestion)

Purvaroopa (Prodormal Signs and symptoms): Colds, flu, hay fever, cough

Roopa (Disease Manifest Signs and symptoms): Allergies. Eczema


Ayurvedic Pathogenesis (Asatmya):

Dosha vriddhi of unknown etiological factors, but with a genetic hypersensitivity disposition has led to a decrease in digestive Fire (Agni), thus leading to doshic vitiation and a subsequent build-up of Ama in the digestive track. This has then overflowed out of the GI tract and then led to the vitiation of rasa, rakta and mamsa dhatus. From here, this has then progressed to further vitiating the doshas, and leading to doshic accumulation at the sites of weakness in the body via the dhatus, and leading to more ill-defined signs and symptoms. Finally, this has manifested in the skin as kusta – dadru or vicharchika ( eczema, allergies ) and associated low immune system

Conventional Perspective:

Allergies develop when the immune system has an overreaction to substances that are usually harmless. It occurs when person is exposed to an allergen. The first time, they do not usually experience a reaction, but over time the immune system to builds up a sensitivity to the substance, and learns to recognize and remember the allergen. As such, it makes antibodies to attack the substance when exposure occurs, which is referred toas sensitisation. In addition, ongoing allergy symptoms tend to cause congestion, allowing viruses or bacteria to get stuck in the upper respiratory tract, leading to respirator and sinus infections.

Ayurvedic Differential Diagnosis

Kusta ?

Dadru kushta ?

Vicharchika ?

Ayurvedic herbs:

We started treting chis patient as the classical advise of Charaka under – Skin Disease – Kusta

Prescribed Herbs For This Client:

  • Flora care for Kids
  • C Ultrasorb
  • Vitamin D drops continue
  • Mahatiktam ghritam cream
  • Mustarishtam 5 ml: 2 x daily
  • Septillin 5ml: 2 x daily
  • Agastya rasayanam or Gudurakam 1 tsp per day

In Addtion, Beneficial Ayurvedic Herbs For Allergies:

  • Vata Pitta Balancing: Guduchi, turmeric, triphala, amalaki, gokshura, tulsi,
  • Vata Kapha Balancing: Guduchi, turmeric, triphala, amalaki, gokshura, tulsi, ashwaganda, trikatu, devadaru, rasna, cardamom, nurgundi
  • Pitta Vata Balancing: Guduchi, turmeric, triphala, amalaki, gokshura, tulsi,
  • Pitta Kapha Balancing: Guduchi, turmeric, triphala, amalaki, gokshura, tulsi, neem, manjista, sandalwood,
  • Kapha Vata Balancing: Guduchi, turmeric, triphala, amalaki, gokshura, tulsi, ashwaganda, trikatu, devadaru, rasna, cardmom,
  • Kapha Pitta Balancing: Guduchi, turmeric, triphala, amalaki, gokshura, tulsi, manjista, sandalwood, nirgundi

Traditional Ayurvedic Treatment(s) for these conditions:

  • The recommended follow-up treatment for this client is diet and herbs as prescribed, and very carefully introducing very small quantities of new foods into her diet.

Ayurvedic treatment approach for allergies:

  • Avoid causative factors
  • Balance Jataragni
  • Remove ama
  • Balance doshic imbalances and each according to allergenic food type
  • Clean, wholefood, organic eating as much as possible
  • Build immunity
  • Bastis as/if required for Vata allergies.
  • Nasya as/if required
  • Panchakarma when deemed appropriate.

Ayurvedic Diet for this client:

  • Client needs to eat the foods that she does not react to.
  • Avoid sour fruits (and also tamarind), milk except ghee and buttermilk, eggplant, radish, pickles, leftover foods, newly cultivated cereals.
  • AVOID ALSO: Cold foods, raw foods, leftover foods (24 hours), frozen foods, cold water, processed and packaged foods, soft drinks, high fat foods, greasy foods.
  • (Allow 6 hours between meals and snack 3 hours after a meal, and only if hungry).
  • Within the scope of specific food allergens, eat as much Ojas increasing foods as possible

Ayurvedic Lifestyle advice for this client

  • Get sufficient rest and sleep. Go to bed regular time each day.
  • Keep to a routine as much as possible.
  • Get sufficient daily activity and exercise
  • Avoids stress

Review: 4 weeks

Note: It is always advised to continue any and all prescribed conventional medicine as advised by one’s healthcare practitioner. Should one use Ayurvedic herbs alongside conventional medicines, be sure to consult with your GP and/or medical specialist and your qualified Ayurvedic practitioner about any possible drug interactions and potential side effects.