Ayurvedic Treatment for Overweight or Obesity According to Ayurvedic Medicine the human body is body made up three constitutions, which is also called as Basic Humors called Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Among them Kapha dosha is responsible for overweight and Obesity. In Ayurveda this is consider as “Sthulya”. For weight reduction one should always look for the diet and lifestyle activities which can able to reduce Kapha. It is better to address the weight loss through Panchakarma methods which will be more beneficial.
Ayurveda teaches that the balance of three subtle energies, known as Vata, Pitta and Kapha, maintains health. Kapha is responsible for strength and immunity. It also provides the basic substratum to all the tissues of the body. Biological fire humor or Pitta is responsible for digestion and metabolism and biological air humor or vata is responsible for all the movements- gross and subtle in the body. In order to balance these subtle energies, it is first important to identify the dosha which is in imbalanced, and then accordingly select the Panchakarma therapy to treat the condition from roots.