The word “Ayu” means life and “veda” means knowledge, which is practiced more than 5000 years in India. The prime goal of Ayurveda is to restore the health of a healthy individual and treat the diseased to regain the health. Ayurvedic medicine is designed to promote healthy and happy human life. The simple principles of Ayurveda can be applicable universally and it is an eternal science. Ayurveda mainly speaks each and every element and facet of human life.
Ayurveda or Astanga Ayurveda with their eight specialties of Internal medicine or General Medicine, Paediatrics and Gynaecology, Otolaryngology (Ear, nose and Throat), Forensic, psychiatry, geriatrics, Science of Aphrodisiacs and Surgery. Most of the explanations and philosophies are of the principles that are based the theory of five elements (Panchamahabutas: Earth, water, fire, Air and Ether), the three dhosha (Humors) (vata, pitta and kapha), the seven tissues (sapta Dhatau), three mala (excretory products: Urine, faces and Sweat).
Most of the teachings in Ayurveda explain the power of self healing. By restoring and balancing all the energies in the body, the process of physical deterioration and disease can be drastically minimised. This principle is basic core part of Ayurvedic Treatments.
At Jeeva Health, you can experience Ayurveda at its purity by qualified and experienced Ayurvedic doctors. We dedicate to promote longitivity and to maintain all aspects healthy human life.